Monday, February 23, 2009

Peanut Butter & Tuna.... My favorite!

HA! I know, wierd science, right?
This morning I was listening to the local news and it was mentioned that my favorite tuna "Tonno Genova" was on the recall list, because even though it reads "with olive oil" there were a few batches made with SOYBEAN oil. Not a big deal to some people, but I have someone special to me with a soybean allergy and that makes buying food an adventure checking every label to make sure it mentions no soy, no vegetable oil or shortening, whatever. Our "effective" way of subsidizing the soybean industry makes them cheap so they are used in ways you never would believe. Even many peanut butters actually remove the peanut oil replace it with vegetable oil.

Here is my segway to peanut butter ... I went to the cupboard and found my tuna cans and went out to my favorite website for recalls. There are tons of them, but here is my favorite. It is a portal and you can access almost anything from there. You can even subscribe to a news feed for it, if you don't know how to subscribe to a feed, you may look at the post I made on a diffent blog about using Google Reader. This gives you a direct feed for anything posted and also you are able to add information to help other people. There is also a site from the Consumer Product Safety Council, neither of these sites are very sexy, but they are government sites and I think if less sexy is cheaper to the tax payer than I can handle it!

Here is the link with all the pertinent data for the "offending" tuna cans. But while I was poking around, I noticed information about the dreaded peanut butter recall that I wasn't expecting.

I have no children. So when peanut butter crackers and cookies, things like that were on the list, I thought I was doing my good deed for the day when I called my girlfriend with a daycare and passed on my brilliance. (Hardly, she knew about it of course, but I felt good sharing anyway.)

As I paged down the recall site today, I saw this.

American Nutrition, Inc. Announces a Voluntary Recall of Baked Dog Treats

Did anybody out there, hear about dog treats, dog bones or even consider that perhaps dog treats could be on this list?

Check your pantries and check this list over, because they are very much on the list from lots of different companies and products. And just like with people, salmonella can really take a fatal toll on puppies (we all give them some sort of chew bone while they are teething), older or immune compromised dogs (ie. cancer).

If it is true that all dogs "go to heaven," I hope it is also true that these "responsible" individuals from PCA, or Peanut Corporation of America in Blakely, GA~ GO TO HELL! (Too bad they are just going bankrupt!)

PS. Just posted on a news website today: ICE CREAM 2/28/09 (where will it end?)

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