Friday, January 30, 2009

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, World

First, my sincere condolences to the families involved in this tragedy.

The comment section of this site is meant for readers to express thoughts, opinions and insight on stories. After receiving multiple reports concerning the disregard for common decency found in the comment section of this story, and reviewing them, all prior comments have been deactivated and a few accounts suspended for review.

Josh Alves

Manager of New Media

Bangor Daily News

Thank you Mr. Alves. I do not know you, but you obviously are a sensitive and sensible person. I do not believe your actions were censorship, but were defining the lines between free speech and bullying.

For readers out there, please - times are tough and people are mad about a lot of things, but please remember to READ these things OUT LOUD before you send them.
  • Do you really want to say what you are saying?
  • Would you say it to your mother?
  • Would you want to hear your kids say it?
People leaving comments on blogs and news stories is growing- especially in Maine where we are often behind the power (or digital) curve.

We all need to do it sensibly.


Katy England said...

It's sad that people feel like they can say whatever they want under a veil of anonymity.

It's very similar to a mob mentality, where people feel like they can't get caught and therefor don't have to act like a human being.

To quote George Costanza: "You know, we live in a SOCIETY!"

Let's start acting like it.

LadyOTrout said...

Yes, indeed! Thanks for your input. You also being in the "newspaper business" have undoubtedly felt the sting of some stuff I am sure! I apologize for that. Sad.