Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Web Browsers

Okay, if you never have turned on a computer or never listened to the news, you may never have heard the name "GOOGLE." So if you fall into one of the above categories, this post isnt for you and probably none of my posts are for that matter.

We all know when GOOGLE does something, they do it BIG !

Since I don't live under the veil of most developers and don't really see this stuff until it is being used, I find out about it when you do. Today is the launch date for GOOGLE's browser - CHROME. (Chrome is only available to date for PC's since GOOGLE is going after the big Microsoft market share.) If you are unfamiliar with what a browser is, Alan from my company wrote a great post a while ago and if you click on this link, you can read it here.

I personally, TODAY am a FIREFOX user. I have a lot of friends that use PC's and MAC's and they have turned to Firefox from Internet Explorer because of all its security flaws and other issues. MAC or other Linux users (these are the real geeks) will have to wait for their own GOOGLE CHROME.

Statistics say that about 75% of browsing (down from 88% last year) is done with Internet Explorer so there are a lot of people out there still using it, perhaps because they do not know they have other BETTER and safer alternatives.

I am looking into the CHROME browser and here is a link if you are so inclined to check it out yourself. This is a Barron's post NOT a way to download the software - I am just researching it and I will keep you posted on "if and when" there is a GOOGLE CHROME for MAC and I decide to change!!

But those mavericks out there - certainly comment on your PC experience if you decide to take the plunge!

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