Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Keeping up with "THE NEWS" with Google Reader

We are in a 24 hour news cycle and have been for a while, so even tho I am pretty used to all that "noise," I like to sift through what I like and don't like to listen to, watch and definitely what I have TIME to READ!

Most nights, I was driving home and I say, "SHOOT! I needed to look that up!" Of course by the time I could I had forgotten it all ready.

What I was finding was that the list was becoming endless and I was becoming more frustrated. One of the guys in my office suggested "Google Reader" which of course they got the trademark blank stare, "HUH?" from me. There are others and certainly tell us if you like certain ones by commenting.

They showed me how to sign up (pretty painless) and I must say I am "hooked" so at that time, I put it on the Sephone blog, here is a link back to an "ABC's" page that may help complete with screen shots.

I made this post short so you can go back to that link and sign up yourself! You can start putting your favorite news sources (this includes blogs) in one place that you can log into each day and see what is happening!

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